Kamis, 30 Desember 2010

pulau wismoyo mlng

Kota Malang sejak masa kolonial dikenal sebagai tempat peristirahatan dan tujuan wisata bangsa Eropa terutama dari Negeri Belanda. Iklim tropis pegunungan yang sejuk dan kaya pemandangan indah serta lingkungan yang alami dikelilingi oleh perkebunan, pegunungan, sungai dan taman menjadikan Kota Malang dikenal sebagai Paris Van East Java dan Switzerland of Indonesia. Kota Malang juga merupakan pusat pertemuan beragam etnik, agama, kepercayaan dan budaya khas Jawa Timur yaitu Jawa Tengahan, Jawa Kulonan, Jawa Wetanan (Blambangan), Pesisi Lor dan Kidul, Madura, Osing (Jawa - Bali) dan Mandalungun (Madura - Jawa) sehingga memiliki keunikan serta daya tarik tersendiri.

Kota Malang pada saat ini merupakan tempat persinggahan / transit dan tujuan perbelanjaan serta souvenir / kerajinan rakyat bagi turis domestik dan mancanegara. Kebanyakan lokasi wisata di Jawa Timur berada di wilayah eks Karesidenan Malang (sekarang wilayah Pembantu Gubernur di Malang). Terutama di wilayah Kabupaten Malang dan Kotatif Batu, namun fasilitas pariwisata terlengkap ada di Pusat Kota Malang. Maka Kota Malang telah mantap menjadikan wilayahnya sebagai tempat bermukim sementara bagi para turis mancanegara dan domestik. Sebagai Kota Kenangan bagi turis Eropa terutama Belanda Kota Malang masih tetap sebagai primadona karena banyak peninggalan gedung / bangunan, taman khas warisan kolonial serta tempat bersejarah lainnya tetap dilestarikan oleh Pemda.
Untuk memudahkan pengunjung wisata di Kota Malang telah tersedia berbagai fasilitas penunjang bertaraf nasional dan internasional seperti hotel, tempat hiburan, rumah makan, valuta asing, tourist guide, travel biro, sarana transportasi, pos dan telekomunikasi, instansi pariwisata, pelayanan umum dan keamanan.

wisata gunung kawi mlng

Kota Malang sejak masa kolonial dikenal sebagai tempat peristirahatan dan tujuan wisata bangsa Eropa terutama dari Negeri Belanda. Iklim tropis pegunungan yang sejuk dan kaya pemandangan indah serta lingkungan yang alami dikelilingi oleh perkebunan, pegunungan, sungai dan taman menjadikan Kota Malang dikenal sebagai Paris Van East Java dan Switzerland of Indonesia. Kota Malang juga merupakan pusat pertemuan beragam etnik, agama, kepercayaan dan budaya khas Jawa Timur yaitu Jawa Tengahan, Jawa Kulonan, Jawa Wetanan (Blambangan), Pesisi Lor dan Kidul, Madura, Osing (Jawa - Bali) dan Mandalungun (Madura - Jawa) sehingga memiliki keunikan serta daya tarik tersendiri.

Kota Malang pada saat ini merupakan tempat persinggahan / transit dan tujuan perbelanjaan serta souvenir / kerajinan rakyat bagi turis domestik dan mancanegara. Kebanyakan lokasi wisata di Jawa Timur berada di wilayah eks Karesidenan Malang (sekarang wilayah Pembantu Gubernur di Malang). Terutama di wilayah Kabupaten Malang dan Kotatif Batu, namun fasilitas pariwisata terlengkap ada di Pusat Kota Malang. Maka Kota Malang telah mantap menjadikan wilayahnya sebagai tempat bermukim sementara bagi para turis mancanegara dan domestik. Sebagai Kota Kenangan bagi turis Eropa terutama Belanda Kota Malang masih tetap sebagai primadona karena banyak peninggalan gedung / bangunan, taman khas warisan kolonial serta tempat bersejarah lainnya tetap dilestarikan oleh Pemda.
Untuk memudahkan pengunjung wisata di Kota Malang telah tersedia berbagai fasilitas penunjang bertaraf nasional dan internasional seperti hotel, tempat hiburan, rumah makan, valuta asing, tourist guide, travel biro, sarana transportasi, pos dan telekomunikasi, instansi pariwisata, pelayanan umum dan keamanan

bromo jatim

Selamat Datang di Informasi Pariwisata, Akomodasi Hotel dan Transportasi Malang Raya

(WisataMalang.com). Berkunjung dan berpetualang ke tempat-tempat baru yang mungkin belum akrab di telinga banyak orang tentu menjadi sesuatu yang membanggakan. Keunikan cerita dan serunya pengalaman pasti menjadi hal yang sangat menarik dan berkesan bukan hanya bagi diri sendiri tapi juga bagi mereka yang mendengarkan. Kekayaan alam, budaya dan sejarah yang dimiliki membuat wilayah yang ada di Malang dan sekitarnya menjadi tujuan wisata yang menarik untuk dikunjungi.

Alun-alun Tugu Kota MalangWisata Petik Apel di BatuBerpetualang di Gunung BromoRafting di KasembonCandi SingosariNikmati Eksotisme Pulau SempuLiburan di Jawa Timur ParkRafting Songa, ProbolinggoKebun Teh Wonosari, LawangCandi Kidal, MalangParalayang, BatuKawah Ijen

Ikon-ikon wisata di Kota Malang, Kabupaten Malang, Kota Batu dan sekitarnya seperti: Ijen Boulevard, Museum Brawijaya, Toko Oen, Alun-alun Tugu, Alun-alun Merdeka, Keramik Dinoyo, Candi Singosari, Kebun Teh Wonosari, Waduk Selorejo, Pemandian Selecta, Air Panas Cangar, Songgoriti, Jatim Park, Batu Night Spectaculer, Desa Bunga Sidomulyo, Air Terjun Coban Rondo, Sunrise di Puncak Penanjakan, pendakian ke Kawah Bromo, berkuda di Lautan Pasir, Trekking ke Ranu Pane, Ranu Kumbolo, ke Puncak Semeru, Pesona kota wisata Batu, dll. menjadi salah satu bukti kekayaan tersebut. Diluar itu masih banyak tujuan wisata lain yang tak kalah menarik, seperti: Wisata Kampus, Wisata Makanan, Wisata Budaya, Wisata Kerajinan dll.

Candi Singasari Malang - WisataMalang.com

Candi Singasari Malang - WisataMalang.com
Perjalanan sejarah Kota Malang yang juga dikenal dengan Paris van Java ini boleh dibilang cukup panjang. Nama “Malang” berasal dari Candi Malang Kucecwara, sebuah candi yang terletak di kaki Gunung Buring, di timur kota Malang. Candi tersebut dibangun pada abad ke-15. Kota Malang dikenal sebagai daerah peristirahatan bagi orang-orang Belanda dan kaum ningrat Jawa. Karena itu banyak peninggalan bangunan kuno masih tegak sampai sekarangi.

Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru (TNBTS) dan Ekowisata Cagar Alam Pulau Sempu saat ini menjadi obyek wisata unggulan bagi Kabupaten Malang dan Jawa Timur

coban pelangi malang

Kota Malang sejak masa kolonial dikenal sebagai tempat peristirahatan dan tujuan wisata bangsa Eropa terutama dari Negeri Belanda. Iklim tropis pegunungan yang sejuk dan kaya pemandangan indah serta lingkungan yang alami dikelilingi oleh perkebunan, pegunungan, sungai dan taman menjadikan Kota Malang dikenal sebagai Paris Van East Java dan Switzerland of Indonesia. Kota Malang juga merupakan pusat pertemuan beragam etnik, agama, kepercayaan dan budaya khas Jawa Timur yaitu Jawa Tengahan, Jawa Kulonan, Jawa Wetanan (Blambangan), Pesisi Lor dan Kidul, Madura, Osing (Jawa - Bali) dan Mandalungun (Madura - Jawa) sehingga memiliki keunikan serta daya tarik tersendiri.

Kota Malang pada saat ini merupakan tempat persinggahan / transit dan tujuan perbelanjaan serta souvenir / kerajinan rakyat bagi turis domestik dan mancanegara. Kebanyakan lokasi wisata di Jawa Timur berada di wilayah eks Karesidenan Malang (sekarang wilayah Pembantu Gubernur di Malang). Terutama di wilayah Kabupaten Malang dan Kotatif Batu, namun fasilitas pariwisata terlengkap ada di Pusat Kota Malang. Maka Kota Malang telah mantap menjadikan wilayahnya sebagai tempat bermukim sementara bagi para turis mancanegara dan domestik. Sebagai Kota Kenangan bagi turis Eropa terutama Belanda Kota Malang masih tetap sebagai primadona karena banyak peninggalan gedung / bangunan, taman khas warisan kolonial serta tempat bersejarah lainnya tetap dilestarikan oleh Pemda.
Untuk memudahkan pengunjung wisata di Kota Malang telah tersedia berbagai fasilitas penunjang bertaraf nasional dan internasional seperti hotel, tempat hiburan, rumah makan, valuta asing, tourist guide, travel biro, sarana transportasi, pos dan telekomunikasi, instansi pariwisata, pelayanan umum dan keamanan.

Minggu, 12 Desember 2010

pantai banka belitung

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjSFEZQHsVHdCpjQAIK4wCpLkyCHtFue8u_H0e9LZC7d4OCbgIBVsTwdXRaNrHE4tquXGvX_pbrasLbvbGRPRS-Vx6cxzxk2SLgIVQGNH6AtFDB9kwRlYAfssbrCeqfULbH6mb2dZkkNy_p/s320/Pulau+Belitung,+Bangka+Belitung.jpg                                                          Sanur village faces 3 kilometers of coastline, a place where the island's spirit can always be relished and enjoyed. The area is heaven for shopping, eating, sightseeing, almost for everything! People say Sanur beach is the best spot for watching sunrise and you can go to Matahari Beach to watch the best sunrise. Regarding the accommodation, Sanur hosts many beachfront properties from jasmine hotels, cottages, private villas, or five star hotels. Here, the holiday goers would love to enjoy eating out in fine beachfront restaurants and cafes. Sanur is also the perfect place for inspired shopping, fine art galleries, and cultural attractions.

Sanur Beach is frequently chosen for beginner surfers and perfect for playing canoe, jukung, sailing, and the other water sports. Sanur was very prominent area in the Bali's history and the beach was the first place when Netherlands landed on the island of Bali in 1906. The first war between Netherlands against the Balinese people occurred in Sanur. The more holidaymakers choose Sanur as their destinations due to its trouble-free access and short closeness to some of interesting sightseeing objects. And also the transportation is effortless, taxi and public buses are everywhere. Renting a car also sounds sensible and affordable when you stay in Sanur.

For those who are weary for staying at hotel rooms are recommended to choose a private luxury villa in Sanur. Sanur has numerous private villas, from the affordable to the sleek and expensive ones. Although many villas in Sanur are modernly designed, still it's easy to find the villa buildings that look so idyllic in Balinese-style. These villas are featured by Alang-Alang thatched roof supported by ornately carved pillars. The traditional elements blend with a wide range of philosophies creating beautiful and tranquil retreats for tropical holiday enthusiasts from around the world. Barbeque or private gathering party can also be arranged.

If you prefer Sanur as your haven for your tropical holiday and you stay in one of the finest luxury villas, then dining options are so endless. It's easy to find places to eat along the main roads. Sanur will please your appetite by providing a profusion of cheap eateries to the exclusive beachfront restaurants and cafes. Danau Poso, Danau Tamblingan, or Pantai Sindhu streets are places to taste different dishes, from Seafood, Balinese, Indonesia, Chinese, Japanese, Italian, French, to fast food. Moreover, the Sanur night market is also worth checking out to savor local foods at more affordable prices.

Shopping in Sanur is not always expensive, especially if compared to Nusa Dua shopping centers or Ubud's fine art galleries. If you are about to buy souvenirs you may visit Sanur Beach Market. Situated on Jalan Segara Ayu, and within short walks from the private villas, this market pampers you with an extensive array of cheap Bali souvenirs that you won't find elsewhere. Be it Jaya Kusuma Art Market, Pasar Sindhu Art Market, and Double U, those are heavens for Bali souvenir seekers. It's exciting to buy affordable t-shirts, sarongs, wood carving, and more, at half the price you would pay in more exclusive boutiques or shopping malls. All in all, Sanur will spoil you with the fine choices.

kawah frepot

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh5EYgShxNUig6tMdlYo6-prsgRH5Ud2WkHhps4SiVq1fzRzIrtwljCtoHq5vd6dN8efL1MV5JZtZlGSom5uCrgWC4_gRmZPEnmH7yiZw6BtmLhBrHcL7SyYfN6X-bFzNBfSDt7Qj9VipJk/s1600/kawah-freeport.gif                                                          What is it about Ubud that one should visit this beautiful village? Because Ubud has much to offer; from its stunning panorama of Ayung River valley and the terraces rice filed, its most talented artist, its typical traditional market and myriad of shops that line the road is a heaven for shopping, its undying culture, its serene environs and plentiful of nice small hotels and restaurants and many more.

Ubud has no great beaches to speak of, no mountain lakes, and no grand hotels. Yet it has the richness of soil and it is the center of Bali's art and culture. If you don't stay in Ubud, or you don't have much time during your Bali Holiday, a visit is worth because it would offer you a memorable stay in Bali.

Driving out of bustling Denpasar, the tranquil green of rice paddies contrast sharply with the boisterous sounds of the city. Palm-leaf carvings of Dewi Sri (the Rice Goddess) guards over the crops, and small thatch huts dot the rice fields, giving shade to those who work them. Temples and small shrines can be seen along the way, women lay out offerings of flowers, rice, incense and holy water to placate evils spirits and please the good one. Even with the great influx of tourism, village life basically goes on the same. Almost every village on the way up to Ubud specializes in some kind of art form. You can stop off and see the artisans at work in their studios.

Many places near Ubud make beautiful side trips. Morning walk through the villages lead to out-of-the-way retreats. The route to Tegalalang offer beautiful views of terraces rice field and myriad of art studios, Mas, Penestanan and Peliatan, the centers of wood carving and painting, Sayan offer a stunning panorama of Ayung River valley and still home to spectacular view of gorges and palms and rice fields. Campuhan , the place where three rivers meet - a sacred site. There is a very beautiful temple called Pura Gunung Lebah is worth a visit.

To the north is Petulu village is known for many things but the most spectacular is the kokokan or white herons. Every morning at dawn and the afternoon around three or four o'clock, you can see them circling the trees in droves.

To the south a short walk you will arrive at Monkey Forest. To visit it, one must by a ticket. There are hundreds of tame monkeys and a temple stands in the middle of the forest. In the center of town the interesting places to see are the Puri (the court of palace of former kings), here every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock dozen of young girls study traditional Balinese dance. Ubud main market just opposite the Puri offer varieties of merchandises; Produce, dry goods, linens, T-shirts, paintings, wood carvings, even traveling medicine men appear here. Closed to market you can visit Puri Lukisan (Museum of Paintings). Established in 1954, it is dedicated to showing the works of local painters. It is the excellent place to get an overview of the stylistic differences between artists.

Ubud is a picturesque township and visitors have been attracted by its charm and beauty for decades. If shopping is your interest, Ubud has a myriad of shops which line the road to Monkey Forest and the Museum Puri Lukisan. Don't forget to bargain!!! If art is your interest, in Ubud, Mas and Peliatan, one can study dance, music, painting or a number of other art forms. The best way to meet a teacher is to find a style that appeal to you (by going to galleries and watching performances) and than approach the artist directly about lessons.

While you are in Ubud and need more complete information, you can visit Bina Wisata a local Tourism Bureau. It prepare map of Bali and Ubud. There is a massage board, small book store and a printing press on the premises. It's about 500 m past the market.

Waka Namya Resort is a nice place to stay. It offers free luxury shuttle service to the center of town and to the Rudana Museum and Arts Gallery; it is one of the best galleries in Ubud. It also offers a free tracking to the rice field. Excellent service and very friendly staffs. I know the manager very well, so I sand many guests to this resort. Waka di Ume, Komaneka, Santi Mandala Resort and Maya Ubud are also very nice place to stay. For more affordable accommodation you can choose Ubud Sari; small, charming and rustic ambience. It has a complete Spa and Beauty Salon service, Yoga, Chiropractic, Healing Week in Bali Program. Raw Health Food Program and Colonic Hydrotherapy.

So Ubud has many attractive objects can be seen for your Bali Vacation. And do not hesitate to choose beautiful Bali for your holiday. Bali is a small, beautiful island in Indonesia, the ultimate tourist destination in Asia.

The quickest and easiest way to find Bali hotels at your destination is to go online and visit a hotel reservation website. Do a search for Bali you are traveling to and you will be presented with a list of available hotels in Bali, Choose your preferred Bali Hotel
http://alamendah.files.wordpress.com/2009/07/kawah-gunung-tambora.jpg                                                              Ijen Crater or Kawah Ijen is another volcanic tourism attraction in Indonesia. Ijen Crater (Kawah Ijen) is a famous tourism object, which has been known by the domestic and foreign tourists because of the beautiful and charming nature. It is 5,466 hectares, 2,386 meters high from the depth of the sea, with a 92 hectares tourism forest. Its temperature is between 2 to 8 degree centigrade and the crater area lies at 2.386 meters above sea level (mdpl).

There are many beautiful species of plants that can be found there, such as; the edelweiss flower and the Casuarina Junghu (cemara gunung), etc. Various animals can also be seen in the area like jungle fowl (ayam hutan) and porcupine (landak).

The Ijen Crater lies about 68km from the town center. There are some of facilities here such as: a campground, a shelter and Tourist Information Center (TIC) etc.

The best time to enjoy the crater scenery is at morning, when the yellow sunlight glows the yellow water and shines the surrounding mountain like mount Merapi, the sister of Mount Ijen. Morning haze is creating a tranquility that we don't get at the metropolitan towns. At 2 pm, the crater is closed for the reason that the thick smoke from the crater that is poisonous.

Visiting from Bondowoso route, the tourists will travel across a coffee plantation. It has beautiful view either. The green of Arabica coffee trees are really an exciting scene to enjoy.

To reach Ijen Crater from Surabaya, we can use the public transportation with the route as follow:

- Surabaya - Bondowoso : 180 km with public bus
- Bondowoso - Paltuding : 68 km with public transport
- Paltuding - to the location : 2 km on foot

wisata alam bledug kuwu

http://mepow.files.wordpress.com/2009/03/bledug_kuwu.jpg?w=400&h=266                                                    Surabaya is one of Indonesia's larger cities and is the capital of the East Java province. Most visitors here tend to be business travelers or tourists on their way to the more scenic surrounds of Mount Bromo. Surabaya though does have its charms and has some lovely resplendent buildings from the Dutch colonial times such as the House of Sampoerna. Food is another big attraction and the hawker markets and stalls are always busy serving out the most delicious and aromatic Indonesian fare.

Surabaya is also gaining quite a reputation for being a great golfing destination and many hotels in Surabaya offer holiday packages with golf included. It has some world-class courses designed by famous course designers such as Jack Nicklaus. You can also be based here and stay in one of the hotels in Surabaya and use it as a base to explore the surrounding areas.

Discover a Vibrant City

Malang is a smaller city set in the mountains with some charming period houses and has a quality of timelessness. It has some nice leisurely walks and makes for a great relaxed break. There are some very comfortable hotels here. History buffs would like to visit the 8th century Shiva temple on the outskirts. A short distance from Malang and a popular locale for holidaymakers from Surabaya is the Kebun Wonasari tea estate in Lawang. It gives some respite from the relentless heat and the guided tours of the tea estates are interesting.

Beach lovers can head for Pulau Madura. You can travel to this nearby island either by ferry or by going over Indonesia's longest bridge. Tourists can discover lovely, sun washed, beaches that Indonesia is so famous for.

For a fun day out for the whole family, take time out from sightseeing and head to Wisata Bahari Lamongan. This is like a giant amusement park with a huge crab at its entrance with cinemas, pools and water sports thrown in. You can also head for some of the nearby beaches or look for a lucky fishing spot.

Just an hour from Surabaya is historic Trowulan, the capital of Indonesia's largest Hindu empire. Wander among its ruins and listen to the tales that echoes from its past. View the ritual bathing pool and imagine yourself as a blue-blood from a royal kingdom from long ago before you head back to the vibrant nightlife of Surabaya.

Excite hotels Takes an Interesting Route to Hotels in Surabaya

pantai seribu

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhRsHJmULepe79maEFt1Cd6VY1R-dBeBE-DPomHex9XA7QvrNa-o4zMmTTE6wRjZic-j1xVmScSxX2xcsG8M7-xN9EfUaGENPWaFUsDyKJ57g5xUyH6Kl5cHNtAD_rIa8SLV9pdVOmkF4Xs/s1600/alam+indonesia.jpg                              Imagine yourself in the middle of a large city with everything that the word conjures up - the smells, the haste, the colors and the teeming people. Then add to it the exotic flavor of South East Asia and the romance of knowing that you are in the capital city of one of the most beautiful countries in the world, just hours away are gorgeous, sun drenched beaches with powder fine sand. Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia and all this is true of it.

In addition, it has to offer visitors many centuries of history and a diverse culture. Jakarta is in the Java province and has been held at different points by the Portuguese, Dutch and the English. The Dutch have heavily influenced Jakarta and this is vividly apparent in beautiful Batavia. Batavia is the old part of Jakarta and is replete with old Dutch buildings which have retained their charm and beauty. The ambience here is in contrast to the bustle of the rest of Jakarta. It is quiet and allows you to take yourself back to a more relaxed era.

Explore the Wonders of Jakarta

Java has a semi active volcano in Mt. Merapi. Indonesia is a hotbed of seismic activity and this is a great attraction for storm chasers and other weather enthusiasts. Jakarta offers a large variety of food, both local and foreign. Most major shopping malls have food courts offering a variety of foods. The hawker stalls are famous for their cheap and tasty eats but keep hygiene in mind. In Jakarta hotels accommodation encompasses everything from youth hostels to luxury one-of-a kind boutique resorts to vast hotel chains. There is something to suit every budget.

A one-and-a-half hour ferry ride takes you to Pulau Seribu or the Thousand Islands. These are actually a group of 300 islands, each with a distinct identity. Though the diving is not as spectacular as it can be in other parts of Indonesia, it still makes for a lovely getaway holiday location. Some of the islands offer fantastic birding opportunities while others are have ancient ruins of forts from colon
Ijen Crater or Kawah Ijen is another volcanic tourism attraction in Indonesia. Ijen Crater (Kawah Ijen) is a famous tourism object, which has been known by the domestic and foreign tourists because of the beautiful and charming nature. It is 5,466 hectares, 2,386 meters high from the depth of the sea, with a 92 hectares tourism forest. Its temperature is between 2 to 8 degree centigrade and the crater area lies at 2.386 meters above sea level (mdpl).

There are many beautiful species of plants that can be found there, such as; the edelweiss flower and the Casuarina Junghu (cemara gunung), etc. Various animals can also be seen in the area like jungle fowl (ayam hutan) and porcupine (landak).

The Ijen Crater lies about 68km from the town center. There are some of facilities here such as: a campground, a shelter and Tourist Information Center (TIC) etc.

The best time to enjoy the crater scenery is at morning, when the yellow sunlight glows the yellow water and shines the surrounding mountain like mount Merapi, the sister of Mount Ijen. Morning haze is creating a tranquility that we don't get at the metropolitan towns. At 2 pm, the crater is closed for the reason that the thick smoke from the crater that is poisonous.

Visiting from Bondowoso route, the tourists will travel across a coffee plantation. It has beautiful view either. The green of Arabica coffee trees are really an exciting scene to enjoy.

To reach Ijen Crater from Surabaya, we can use the public transportation with the route as follow:

- Surabaya - Bondowoso : 180 km with public bus
- Bondowoso - Paltuding : 68 km with public transport
- Paltuding - to the location : 2 km on foot

danau indonesia

The republic of Indonesia is the largest chained Island group in the World. It consists of 17,508 Islands. Indonesia is an island of tourist delight. It welcomes travelers from all over the world. There are wide array of tourist attractions in this Island country. Let us travel to this majestic Island near Asia.

Tourism is the major component of economic development of this country. It gets major part of revenue out of the foreign exchange. Nature and culture are the prime components of this Island. It is the second largest shoreline in the world. It has a tropical climate.

The popular scenic destinations include beaches in Bali, diving sites in Bunaken and various national parks in Sumatra are few examples of popular scenic destinations. The tourism is overseen by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. The tropical destinations with white sand beaches, blue sky and beach resorts attract more travelers to this Island.

Indonesia is a land of volcanoes, dense forests and attractive beaches. The rich culture and tradition adds more value to this Island. You can have a relaxed vacation journey to this Island. Let us see few details about the popular tourist attraction of Indonesia.

The popular tourist attractions include Jakarta city, Sumatra Island, Sulawesi, Bali and Lombok, Banda Islands and Yogakartas.

Jakarta City:

It is the capital city of Indonesia. It is the largest city of this beautiful island. It has all the advanced amenities. It is the gateway to Indonesia. Jakarta has tropical climate. You can enjoy this Island by visiting during dry season as well. The national monument is the must visit tourist spot. The 137 meter tall marble obelisk is topped with a flame coated with 35 kg of gold. The bottom of this monument houses a historical museum. Also it has a meditation hall at the base. Orchid Gardens are popular in Jakarta city. The exotic orchid gardens are located at Slipi and Taman Mini. There are golden beaches with Scuba diving areas. Also it has developed Islands such as Pulau Bidadari, Pulau Ayer, Pulau Laki and Pulau Putri. It also has largest collection of museum.

Shopping in Jakarta is wonderful. Taman Surapati is filled with paintings. There are antique furniture, Old Dutch lamps and Chinese porcelains in the China town.

Sumatra Island:

It is the second largest Island in Indonesia. It has volcanic mountain range, hot springs, unexplored jungle, flora and fauna. It has tropical rainforests. If you would like to explore wildlife, Sumatra is the wonderful place for you.

It provides you to have peaceful holidays. You can go trekking, water skiing, scuba diving here. You can enjoy taking sun bath. The best time to visit Sumatra Island is during September and October. Sumatra tourist attraction includes Medan, Berastagi, Lake Toba, Danau Ranau is the Mountain Lake and Aceh.
You can shop a wide range of paintings, antiques, batik, statues and carvings.


It is the land of high mountains and known as Orchid Island. It has misty valleys and lakes. It has sheltered with natural beauty that brings more prettiness to this Island.


It is a tropical paradise. It is popular for its crafts and adventurous activities. It has a range of mountains and verdant jungle. There will be lot of adventurous activities in Bali. Everything will be organized in Southern beaches.

Indonesia's Banda Islands are the house of valuable spices. Also it is popular for diving and snorkeling. Yogakartas is the center of educational, cultural and economical activities. It is the hub of various arts centers, markets, galleries, craft shops and bazaars.
Indonesia is the ultimate destination to have a quiet journey. It helps to forget all the daily routines of city life and enjoy with the natural beauties. It offers a relaxed Island journey.

danau tiga warna

omodo Island is one of the beautiful and unique islands that you can use as your main destination if you visit Indonesia. The island will offer a panorama of nature that you will not find in any other places in the world, the charm of the island reptiles that may only exist in our minds or prehistory movie-theme.

Komodo Island is not only the pride of Indonesia but also will become part of the world pride. Because these islands are known as the finalists for the Seven Wonders of the World. Komodo Island is located at the westernmost tip of Nusa Tenggara Timur province which borders the province of West Nusa Tenggara. The park is located on the volcanic island of Indonesia Wallace region is home to more than 5700 komodo or the giant dragon lizards. In this place also lived 4000 people.

The island is located in the Komodo district, West Manggarai regency, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. To be able to reach this island available there are a wide range of accommodation ranging from hostel accommodation to the local communities to set up an international resort.

Since 1980, area of 1817 km2 National Park was made by the Government of Indonesia, which is then recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1986. In addition it is also the only natural habitat Komodo dragons in the world, and recognized by the World Wildlife Federation and the International Conservation as a global conservation priority.

On this island you can enjoy tours Komodo National Park to observe the life of Komodo dragon up close. In addition you can also enjoy various water sports here. You can try to dive in the waters north and south islands. The water around the island of Komodo is special water because the water is warm. By all those information above, the author thinks that Komodo Island will be your best destination and give you a great experience.

grenkanyen indonesia

he wave curling on the seashore is addictive. It drives me back over again, to enjoy it with my surfboard. At the end, this is where finally I occupy most of my time. This is all began when I "gave up" my status as one of the Civil Engineering students of Udayana University in Denpasar, Bali. I "lost in space" at that time. I even underwent a job as a cab driver for three months. When I was finally fatigue and bored with my life in Denpasar, I decided to enjoy - and cope with - a life on a well known beach named Kuta.

Surfing finally became my daily routine, and I am a surfer until today. This outdoor activity and its social intercourse brought me to a meeting with a German, and we made friends. This friend of mine had a dream to be a surf photographer. Unfortunately, he gave up his dream. On the other hand, I was in luck. He gave me all of his water photography gears, like camera, lens and housing. It happened in the era of film camera.

After that, I started to learn photography, which was all unknown to me. I did not know anything about photography and its basic skill. Yet, my eagerness to surfing made photography so easy for me to learn. Besides surfing, surf photography was my daily routine. With the only gears I had, I practiced water photography because I captured surfers' action in the water. To create better photos, I kept learning from foreign photographers. Perhaps, that was the beginning of surf photography by a local photographer.

Apparently, obstacles were all in front of me, including of how expensive was the price of a film at that time. However, everything was completely gone through because of my eagerness and loyalty. Day by day, my photo collection got bigger. Because of this, many friends, including the foreign ones, suggested me to make a local surfing tabloid or magazine for Bali/Indonesia, and I succeeded in making it happened. In the year of 1999, the first surfing Indonesian magazine was established, namely Surf Time.

sendang biru malang indo

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEioLvQAgSmlrqRuYKn5Yxs7NgoThy3fTPk79GrKtyCtOGK2L1OI3HpIiOqGZedU4xc5gRn0TvTKuFoSLcIKfr4FJq_KS-bkmKKBspumsmmKLv4QmZ3Ym-Fk_7mOj6eJDxm0aq5OvGyglS12/s1600/pulau-komodo.jpgSpanning from east to west over 3.9 kilometers, with beaches that are aligned with steep and lime caved cliffs. That is, at a glance, the picture of 'Pulau Sempu' located in the eastern part of Java Island.

'Pulau' (island) 'Sempu' is located about 70 kilometers south of the center of 'Malang' city, East Java. Technically, this island is a nature reservation under the jurisdiction of the 'BKSDA' IV (natural resources conservation station) in Malang. While from a government administrative point of view the area is included in the Biru Settlement. 'Tambakrejo' Village, 'Sumbermanjing Wetan' Sub-District, Regency of 'Malang', of East Java.

The area of the island stretches 3.9 kilometers from east to west, and 3.6 kilometers from north to south. The topography of the island is for almost 50% made up of hilly plains, with slopes ranging from average to steep, at altitudes of 50 to 100 meters above sea level. The larger part of the beaches aligned with steep lime rock cliffs, which is the characteristic of the islands along the Indian Ocean.

This character is also specific for the islands along the south and east of Java Island. Certainly, such terrain makes it difficult for the fishermen to moor their boats. But, such a condition also decides that the 'Sendang Biru' Beach, which is located north of 'Sempu' island, has quiet waves. Because of that, this beach is the safest harbor along the southern stretch of the Indian Ocean, and is the largest fish landing spot along the southern beach of Java Island.

The merits of 'Pulau Sempu' for the fishermen of 'Sendang Biru' Beach are indeed invaluable. Its sturdy shape with steep cliffs, neutralize the vicious waves of the southern seas. So it is not surprising to sometimes find fishermen performing the slalom test on this 3.9 kilometers long beach with its quiet waters.

'Pulau Sempu' is separated from Java Island only by a 800 meters wide strait, which is also used as the gate to the open sea. Its waves are relatively quiet, appropriate for fishing, rowing, or swimming. As according to the land maps, the type of soil in the area of this island is of a 'litosol' compound and reddish brown Mediterranean, and includes even the main limestone formation.
The only natural cave found on 'Pulau Sempu' has its own specialty. The cave that is located around 2.5 kilometers from the 'Teluk' (bay) 'Sumber' Beach line is 25 meters above sea level and holds sources of sweet water. The cave is 20 meters long and 3 meters wide with a dry surface. It is highly strategic place for those who like to meditate, or just seek solitude.

Along the even steeper south side, there are also some sea caves. The sea caves along the east and southeast sides have become the settlements of numerous swallows. But, because of its highly steep location, none of the local fishermen dare to pick the birds nests.

A visit to 'Pulau Sempu' feels like being at the 'Bogor' Safari Park. Wildlife like deer's, black monkeys, boars, and panthers often teasingly cross the visitors paths. It is not surprising then that this area often provokes the hunter to cleave into its forests. According to the data at the Forest Office of East Java, the area still holds 12 species of mammals, 36 species of fowls, and 3 species of reptiles. With this variety of flora and fauna the management of the island, i.e. 'BKSDA' IV in 'Malang', has developed the area into a tourist destination.

The other uniqueness that can be found on this island is the existence of two lakes, the lake 'Lele' and 'Segara Anakan'. At lake 'Lele' a variety of colorful decorative fish can be found in abundance. While from 'Segara Anakan' one can freely enjoy a view of the open sea.

You won't encounter any problems getting to these lakes, because the 'Malang BKSDA' IV has built footpaths from 'Teluk Semut' (Ant Bay). While to get to Lake 'Lele', a 2.3 kilometers long footpaths has been built from 'Teluk Waru' and The White Sand coast, which can be covered on foot in 2 hours.

Besides all those uniqueness, 'Pulau Sempu' also holds other tourist attractions like The White Sand coast, which is the gate to this island. The natural scenery at The White Sand coast is also not less fascinating. From here you can see clearly all of the fishermen's activities. A variety of boats with its range of decorations can be seen coming and going to the open sea. And when dusk falls, the process of the sun setting into the horizon, can also be seen from this bright white sand beach. It is also along The White Sand coast that the visitor's boats are moored before they continue the journey to 'Pulau Sempu'.

Although its status is a nature reservation, the management of 'Pulau Sempu' has changed this into an Eco-tourist destination of East Java. This is in line indeed with the condition which holds feasible tourism potential to be offered to tourists. And when compared to the other eco-tourist destinations, 'Pulau Sempu' indeed still feels natural. But, it is that genuinely that leaves this island feasible as an Eco-tourism destination, at the same time a place to preserve the wildlife in it.

Other beauty that could be experienced in the 'Sempu' Island was how could swim in very clear water (in 'Segara Anakan') and for had snorkeling hobbies was able generously to enjoy underwater scenery because this place had been the cultivation of the coral reef without must be frightened to get dragged by wave. 'Sempu' got lake that mentioned with 'Segara Anakan'. This place more was similar to small lake that was surrounded his limiting high coral stone with the open sea, south sea or Indonesian Sea that has big waves. The supply of water to this lake came from hollow coral big in the middle, which periodically presented picturesque scenery spots of pounding water of the wave that bashed coral. Some water flowing entered 'Segara Anakan'.

Apart from swimming in the giant's pond, the visitor could also relax in a playing manner coastal volleyball. For that liked the atmosphere of original nature, far from modern life noise, the 'Sempu' Island gave the solution, only indeed should not hope for had the luxurious hotel, apart from the bed that was carried personally. Nearby same could be climbing coral that orbited 'Segara Anakan', from on top of our coral could see the pounding of the wave of the open sea that eroded the giant cliff, very beautiful indeed

anak gunung krakatau


With its alluring mix of beaches, volcanoes, temples, stunning scenery, artistic and cultural wealth, the island has long been the jewel in the Indonesian tourism crown. Nail is the enclave of a unique and colorful form of Hinduism, and of its thousands of temples Besakih, Tanah Lot and Uluwatu are the three most impressive. The festivals celebrated at all these shrines are a colorful and vibrant celebration of the devout traditional lifestyle that has drawn tourists to the island for decades most visitors also go to the southern beach resorts Kuta, a heady, hedonistic mix of hotels, shops, restaurants and nightlife, but there are plenty of quieter resorts around the coast, and a few secluded spots remain for total relaxation. Those interested in art, crafts, music and dance usually head for Ubud, a cool, laid-back town with galleries, studios, performances and classes galore and plenty of local walks among the rice-terraces to engage the more energetic. The still smoking Gunung Batur, in the volcanic centre of the island, is a popular climb, usually done in the pitch dark so as to arrive at the top in time to admire the glowing sunrise.

Gunung Bromo

The obligatory sunrise views of this mountain in east Java, with the peak and its equally stunning neighbours rising from an almost other worldly sea of sand, are simply spell binding. There are also plenty of wails to enjoy in this cool, attractive region.


Java's number-one tourist attraction, this colossal, multi-tiered temple is the world's largest Buddhist stupa. Over a thousand years old, the temple, though now ruined, is still surprisingly evocative, with over three thousand reliefs detailing scenes from everyday life and the path followed by the soul to enlightenment, along with ancient tales illustrated the journey.

Lake Toba

In northern Sumatra, this is Southeast Asia's largest freshwater lake. Its central island, Samosir, is the heartland of the Toba Batak people and offers great scenery, trekking and relaxation, with the option of visiting megalithic stone complexes, local villages and hot springs.


The animals at the orangutan rehabilitation centre at Bukit Lawang in Sumatra are arguably the most famous example of Indonesia's wildlife. The centre aims to reintroduce into the wild orangutans that have been rescued from captivity; visitors here are welcome to watch the twice-daily feeding sessions.

Komodo Dragons

An apparent throwback to the age of dinosaurs, these creatures, actually the world's largest lizards, live on Komodo in Nusa Tenggara, the chain of islands stretching between Bali and West Papua. The largest ever recorded was more than 3m long and weighed in at 150kg, though most of the dragons aren't quite so enormous.


The highlight of many visits, Indonesia's marine life is startling in its diversity. Current centres for diving are Bali, Gili Islands off Lombok, and Sulawesi

Tanah Toraja

This region of Sulawesi is home to the Torajan people, who have a wealth of traditional architecture and ceremonies, most famously funerals. Also on offer are plenty of opportunities for trekking in the scenic highlands


The city is the heartland of Javanese arts; exhibitions of art and batik, and performances of music, drama, puppetry and dance abound, with courses available for visitors. The Kraton, the old walled city, is well preserved for architecture buffs, and Yogyakarta is ideally placed for excursions into the surrounding countryside and - if it hasn't blown its lid recently - treks up Gunung Merapi, Indonesia's most volatile volcano.

Nusa Tenggara

The most westerly of this string of islands, Lombok, is a great antidote to its more developed neighbors, Bali. Its highlights include Gunung Merapi, Indonesia's second highest mountain, with a huge crater lake; the tiny Gili Islands off its north-west coast; and the unspoilt south-coast beaches. The further east you go Nusa Tenggara, the less tourist infrastructure there is, so the more time you'll need; highlights here include Sumba's unspoilt beaches and traditional ikat weaving and the three-coloured lake of Keli Mutu on Flores

Baliem Valley in West Papua

It's time-consuming and expensive to get here, and to really explore the area you'll need trek long distances and often sleep extremely rough. But the scenery is dramatic and splendid, and the tribes of the area are managing to retain an age old lifestyle and culture, often despite considerable pressure from outsiders.


G-land off the south coast of Java and Desert Point off the southwest coast of Lombok at Bangko. Bangko are just two of many legendary Indonesian surf spots.

Staying in a longhouse

The indigenous Dyak peoples in the interior of Kalimantan have retained their traditional beliefs and ways of life to varying degrees. Their communal longhouse dwellings - long wooden structures raised on stilts - have survived and are being restored, and many welcome visitors

The Prambanan temple complex

The Hindu temples here, accessed from Yogyakarta in Java, are soaring, intricately carved structures dating from the ninth century AD. Visits at dawn and dusk are especially atmospheric.

rumah adat batak

ndonesia is a very interesting country to visit and makes for an ideal holiday. Its diverse range of culture and beautiful scenery draw back holiday makers year after year. There are some fabulous holiday homes to rent in Indonesia with some stunning holiday villas by the beach. You can also rent self catering holiday apartments and use them as a base to explore this wonderful country.

Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world and comprises five main islands of Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Irian Jaya and a group of thirty small archipelagoes. It has more than 17,508 islands. Indonesia is a multi-ethnic country with over 300 ethnic groups inclusive of Malay and Polynesian people. The diverse culture of the country has resulted in an opulent and wealthy culture and heritage, which makes it a tourist's delight.

One among the must see places in Indonesia is the Borobudur temple. It is believed that the temple's name originated from Sanskrit - Vihara Buddha Uhr. It was built in the eighth century and is located in Magelang. It is situated on a hill, overlooking distant hills and sprawling green fields. The temple is built with grey andesine stone and has seven terraces. The great Stupa of the temple is 40 meters tall and the walls are extensively sculpted.

Lake Toba is a beautiful centerpiece of the north Sumatra Lake. The exquisite scenery and the pleasant climate, in the surrounding areas make it a popular tourist attraction in Indonesia. It is the largest lake in South East Asia and it measures 100 km in length. Resultant of a volcanic explosion, the lake's surrounding landscape is fertile. The island of Samosir is located on the centre of the lake and the culture and tradition of the amiable tribe, Toba Batak attracts tourists from all over the world.

Tana Toraja is yet another attraction. Rantapeo, a major attraction of the place, is located in the north eastern part of Ujung Pandang. Rantepeo is located 700 meters above sea level and offers a pleasant climate. The entry point of Tana Taroja is a traditional boat-shaped gate. Tana Toraja has cliff graves and two villages, named Lemo and Londa. Londa is considered as one among the oldest sites of hanging graves of local nobility. Taroja has many excellent craft shops for the shopping buffs.

Krakatau volcano is another major tourist spot in Indonesia. The volcano erupted in the year 1883 and is one of the most catastrophic natural events, which is etched in history. The entire region surrounding the volcano was engulfed in darkness. The volcano disappeared, soon after eruption and resulted in the formation of small islands in the area. One of the volcanoes in the area is called Anal Krakatau or the child of Krakatau, which is a young and active volcano. Boat trips to the volcano, allows tourists to get a closer look at the young volcano.

Mt. Tangkuban Perahu is a must see sight in Indonesia. The volcano is filled with many places for sight seeing and exploring. It is an interesting spot and the mount is famous for its distinct upturned boat shape. The panoramic view of the mount and the forests is a delightful experience. The peaceful mountain erupted in 1969 and Kawah Ratu is the main crater or the Queen's crater, as its name suggests.

Indonesia is a culturally rich country with a picturesque setting. The predominantly Muslim country is a place where people from different religions co-exist. The diversity of the cultures makes it traditionally and culturally rich. The friendly people of the country, year long festivities and innumerable tourist spots makes Indonesia a great tourist destination.

It is no wonder that holiday makers love Indonesia so much and many choose to rent holiday villas and self catering apartments. By renting holiday home accommodation in Indonesia you are able to use them as a base to explore this amazing country. There are some great holiday villas with swimming pools that can be rented direct from their owne

kawah putih ciweday jabar

The Indonesian city of Bandung is the capital of West Java and on e of the biggest cities of the country. Bandung, located in the southern part of West Java, this city is a good blend of Sundanese, Javanese, Sumatranese, and others of Indonesian civilian, including Chinese too. A bustling town, Bandung is well connected to the other city via country road. From Jakarta, you can go to Bandung by bus, car or by train. If you get there by bus, it will take a 3 - 4 hours, by car, you just need 2 - hours, if you choose by train, let me know, first time you have to go to Gambir station at central Jakarta, because I suggest you to be better if you ride the train from Gambir. There are 2 kind of train that you can find, first, the Parahyangan train, this train have two classes, business and executive classes, if you use this train, you will come to Bandung in 3 hours or more. Second, the Argo Gede, it's only has 1 class, executive class, if you use this, you just need 2 hours and 50 minutes to Bandung, but the ticker price is more expensive than Parahyangan, now if up to your choice, the traveling your own need a low budget traveling cost or need efficiency time.

This city is gaining popularity as a growing tourist destination in Indonesia. To facilitate and accommodate the emerging crowd of people, the city has introduced many resorts and hotels, so that the visitors can enjoy a comfortable vacation.

Bandung is locate at the high land, so that the weather is always cold. We call Bandung is the flower city, because the face of city is green, you can find the trees along your trip. Near Bandung, you can visit Tangkuban Prahu mountain and Lembang town, in Lembang you can try tea walk around tea garden at there. Other places you can also visit, tea walk at tea garden in pengarengan hill, Kawah Putih, or strawberry garden.

In the night, you can visit dago's street, at here you can find some youngest people having enjoy all the time. The roasted corn is the popular snack in this place, you can try it with the various taste what you like, other roasted snacks are banana roasted or bread roasted. Other place that you can visit in the night is the Paris Van Java, there are several kind of cafe, clubs and discos. Though the city is not overloaded with the discos and clubs, but handful of night clubs, bars and pubs are there, where your night would be vibrant and exhilarating.

in the morning, Are you like shopping? Try at alun-alun with a number of shopping stores and malls, cihampelas walk (more famous name is Ci-walk), is the place of jeans. The other famous shopping store is called Factory Outlet, there are several kind of factory outlet, such as clothes, bags, shoes and others.

danau ranu indo


Your Carstensz Pyramid Expedition is start from Zebra Wall (3.500m), this Zebra names come from the unique motif like Zebra skin on that rock wall. This motif was naturally created thousands years ago.

From this point to the Carstensz Base Camp will take 3,5 hours slow walk in the middle of valley surrounding with rocky wall. The trail is quiet easy with mud and sharp rock a long the way. Before enter the Base Camp Area, you will pass 3 lakes, usually called lake 1, lake 2 and lake 3. This lake is come from rain and glazer. The trail here will be more difficult.

You should pass the "Pintu angin" or Wind Door in English; this is the gate to enter the valley of Base Camp Area. Wind is blow very strong here and your steps here need a little scrambling. After that passing flat area with many small lake, then arrive at the Base Camp "Lembah Danau-Danau" or Lakes Valley (4.200m).

From BC you can see Carstensz Summit, Jaya Summit (Ngapulu) and East Carstensz. Stop here for a full day, rest and prepare for your summit bid. The Summit attack is usually starting on 02:00 - 03:00. It is depend on climbing condition. The normal climbing duration for summit (slow one) take 12 hours, from BC and return to BC.

Carstensz Pyramid climbing is using fixed rope, artificial climbing skills is very important here. Please pay attention to the recommended climbing Equipment, make sure you bring everything in that list. These methods provide safety climbing and best summit chance.

First pitch for the first rope is 1.5 hours from the BC, walking up to the foot step of the summit. Climbing the first rope will need ascender to climb up 55? wall for about 60m high. You will do this climbing trough some rope until you get the big terrace, this flat terrace give rest advantage before start summit pitch. To get the summit pitch will be need 15 minutes walk on rock (basically the terrain is rock, sharp and wet).

Ascending to summit will be more difficult with up to 60? wall and 45-50m high, this will take you to summits ridge. Safe your power by moving slowly but sure or follow your optimum tempo. From the summit ridge you can see the landscape of mining below, the virgin rain forest jungle of Papua and Arafura Sea. However you can all of these only in the clear day and no cloud below the summit ridge.

You are walking on the Ridge to get the Carstensz Pyramid Summit, the path here is only 2-3m wide - walk carefully. From this point need about 1,5 hours to the summit. Before get the summit the climbing will be more difficult, you should pass 3 creck. There is two options to pass these creck, with higher difficulty level then the first climbing. First is rappelling down, walk pass the bottom of this creck and ascend in a vertical ascending (about 8m). The other way is crossing this by a line bridge using pulley and belay rope. This is very interesting and challenging part.

Top Holiday Destinations in Asia


Asia has many tourism resorts to offer. It will be ideal for your holiday destinations since it offers you a lot of attractions. If you want to spend your vacation in Asia, here are some great destinations for your holiday.


This is one of the top holiday destinations in Asia. It offers you paradise and picturesque island which is lapped by the warm water of the Indian Ocean. It is located in the southwest of Sri Lanka. Each year, there are a lot of tourisms visiting this country. It also offers you many beautiful resorts and hotel for your accommodation. With its sandy beaches, palm fringes, lagoons, and crystalline water, it will be the perfect destination for your vacation. There are a lot of fun activities which you can do in this country such as surfing, snorkeling, fishing, cruising, and parasailing.

The capital of this country is male. You can get this country through male International Airport. This city offers some tourism resorts such as National museum, Grand Friday Mosque, Jumhooree Museum, and Fish Market. You can enjoy the awesome architecture of the Grand Friday Mosque. If you love shopping, you can also find a lot of stores which offer a wide array of products.


Thailand is considered as one of the best tourism destinations in Asia. Located in the Southeast Asia, Thailand offers you a lot of tourism attractions such as beaches, natural forest, caves, historical places, islands, sightseeing, and some other. Don Muang International Airport is the main airport you can reach.

The capital city of Thailand is Bangkok. The capital city offers you some attractions such as Dusit Zoo, Golden Mount, Safari World, Wat Ratchanatdaram, Wat Bowen Niwet, etch. This is a modern city with its ancient heritage.


Indonesia can be your great alternative for your holiday destination. It offers you various holiday destinations. It offers you the beauty of nature, vibrant culture, and exotic wildlife. It also has a lot of colorful and vivacious festivals. However, visiting all tourism resort in this country take a lot of times since it comprises of islands. However, you can visit some places in the islands to get the feel of this country.

You can get to Indonesia through some different international airport. If you are planning to go to Bali, one of the most beautiful islands in the country, you can reach Ngurah Rai International Airport. However, if you plan to go to the capital city, Jakarta, you can reach this country via Soekarno-Hatta International Airport.

The most popular tourism destinations in Indonesia cover Bali, Java, Lombok, Pulau Seribua dn some other islands. You can enjoy beautiful almost in every islands, especially Bali. If you love world heritage, Java will be best for you. It offers you some historical sites such as Borobudur temple, Prambanan Temple, and some others. Just get a lot of fun activities in this country.

Kamis, 09 Desember 2010

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Rabu, 08 Desember 2010

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