Kamis, 30 Desember 2010

pulau wismoyo mlng

Kota Malang sejak masa kolonial dikenal sebagai tempat peristirahatan dan tujuan wisata bangsa Eropa terutama dari Negeri Belanda. Iklim tropis pegunungan yang sejuk dan kaya pemandangan indah serta lingkungan yang alami dikelilingi oleh perkebunan, pegunungan, sungai dan taman menjadikan Kota Malang dikenal sebagai Paris Van East Java dan Switzerland of Indonesia. Kota Malang juga merupakan pusat pertemuan beragam etnik, agama, kepercayaan dan budaya khas Jawa Timur yaitu Jawa Tengahan, Jawa Kulonan, Jawa Wetanan (Blambangan), Pesisi Lor dan Kidul, Madura, Osing (Jawa - Bali) dan Mandalungun (Madura - Jawa) sehingga memiliki keunikan serta daya tarik tersendiri.

Kota Malang pada saat ini merupakan tempat persinggahan / transit dan tujuan perbelanjaan serta souvenir / kerajinan rakyat bagi turis domestik dan mancanegara. Kebanyakan lokasi wisata di Jawa Timur berada di wilayah eks Karesidenan Malang (sekarang wilayah Pembantu Gubernur di Malang). Terutama di wilayah Kabupaten Malang dan Kotatif Batu, namun fasilitas pariwisata terlengkap ada di Pusat Kota Malang. Maka Kota Malang telah mantap menjadikan wilayahnya sebagai tempat bermukim sementara bagi para turis mancanegara dan domestik. Sebagai Kota Kenangan bagi turis Eropa terutama Belanda Kota Malang masih tetap sebagai primadona karena banyak peninggalan gedung / bangunan, taman khas warisan kolonial serta tempat bersejarah lainnya tetap dilestarikan oleh Pemda.
Untuk memudahkan pengunjung wisata di Kota Malang telah tersedia berbagai fasilitas penunjang bertaraf nasional dan internasional seperti hotel, tempat hiburan, rumah makan, valuta asing, tourist guide, travel biro, sarana transportasi, pos dan telekomunikasi, instansi pariwisata, pelayanan umum dan keamanan.

wisata gunung kawi mlng

Kota Malang sejak masa kolonial dikenal sebagai tempat peristirahatan dan tujuan wisata bangsa Eropa terutama dari Negeri Belanda. Iklim tropis pegunungan yang sejuk dan kaya pemandangan indah serta lingkungan yang alami dikelilingi oleh perkebunan, pegunungan, sungai dan taman menjadikan Kota Malang dikenal sebagai Paris Van East Java dan Switzerland of Indonesia. Kota Malang juga merupakan pusat pertemuan beragam etnik, agama, kepercayaan dan budaya khas Jawa Timur yaitu Jawa Tengahan, Jawa Kulonan, Jawa Wetanan (Blambangan), Pesisi Lor dan Kidul, Madura, Osing (Jawa - Bali) dan Mandalungun (Madura - Jawa) sehingga memiliki keunikan serta daya tarik tersendiri.

Kota Malang pada saat ini merupakan tempat persinggahan / transit dan tujuan perbelanjaan serta souvenir / kerajinan rakyat bagi turis domestik dan mancanegara. Kebanyakan lokasi wisata di Jawa Timur berada di wilayah eks Karesidenan Malang (sekarang wilayah Pembantu Gubernur di Malang). Terutama di wilayah Kabupaten Malang dan Kotatif Batu, namun fasilitas pariwisata terlengkap ada di Pusat Kota Malang. Maka Kota Malang telah mantap menjadikan wilayahnya sebagai tempat bermukim sementara bagi para turis mancanegara dan domestik. Sebagai Kota Kenangan bagi turis Eropa terutama Belanda Kota Malang masih tetap sebagai primadona karena banyak peninggalan gedung / bangunan, taman khas warisan kolonial serta tempat bersejarah lainnya tetap dilestarikan oleh Pemda.
Untuk memudahkan pengunjung wisata di Kota Malang telah tersedia berbagai fasilitas penunjang bertaraf nasional dan internasional seperti hotel, tempat hiburan, rumah makan, valuta asing, tourist guide, travel biro, sarana transportasi, pos dan telekomunikasi, instansi pariwisata, pelayanan umum dan keamanan

bromo jatim

Selamat Datang di Informasi Pariwisata, Akomodasi Hotel dan Transportasi Malang Raya

(WisataMalang.com). Berkunjung dan berpetualang ke tempat-tempat baru yang mungkin belum akrab di telinga banyak orang tentu menjadi sesuatu yang membanggakan. Keunikan cerita dan serunya pengalaman pasti menjadi hal yang sangat menarik dan berkesan bukan hanya bagi diri sendiri tapi juga bagi mereka yang mendengarkan. Kekayaan alam, budaya dan sejarah yang dimiliki membuat wilayah yang ada di Malang dan sekitarnya menjadi tujuan wisata yang menarik untuk dikunjungi.

Alun-alun Tugu Kota MalangWisata Petik Apel di BatuBerpetualang di Gunung BromoRafting di KasembonCandi SingosariNikmati Eksotisme Pulau SempuLiburan di Jawa Timur ParkRafting Songa, ProbolinggoKebun Teh Wonosari, LawangCandi Kidal, MalangParalayang, BatuKawah Ijen

Ikon-ikon wisata di Kota Malang, Kabupaten Malang, Kota Batu dan sekitarnya seperti: Ijen Boulevard, Museum Brawijaya, Toko Oen, Alun-alun Tugu, Alun-alun Merdeka, Keramik Dinoyo, Candi Singosari, Kebun Teh Wonosari, Waduk Selorejo, Pemandian Selecta, Air Panas Cangar, Songgoriti, Jatim Park, Batu Night Spectaculer, Desa Bunga Sidomulyo, Air Terjun Coban Rondo, Sunrise di Puncak Penanjakan, pendakian ke Kawah Bromo, berkuda di Lautan Pasir, Trekking ke Ranu Pane, Ranu Kumbolo, ke Puncak Semeru, Pesona kota wisata Batu, dll. menjadi salah satu bukti kekayaan tersebut. Diluar itu masih banyak tujuan wisata lain yang tak kalah menarik, seperti: Wisata Kampus, Wisata Makanan, Wisata Budaya, Wisata Kerajinan dll.

Candi Singasari Malang - WisataMalang.com

Candi Singasari Malang - WisataMalang.com
Perjalanan sejarah Kota Malang yang juga dikenal dengan Paris van Java ini boleh dibilang cukup panjang. Nama “Malang” berasal dari Candi Malang Kucecwara, sebuah candi yang terletak di kaki Gunung Buring, di timur kota Malang. Candi tersebut dibangun pada abad ke-15. Kota Malang dikenal sebagai daerah peristirahatan bagi orang-orang Belanda dan kaum ningrat Jawa. Karena itu banyak peninggalan bangunan kuno masih tegak sampai sekarangi.

Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru (TNBTS) dan Ekowisata Cagar Alam Pulau Sempu saat ini menjadi obyek wisata unggulan bagi Kabupaten Malang dan Jawa Timur

coban pelangi malang

Kota Malang sejak masa kolonial dikenal sebagai tempat peristirahatan dan tujuan wisata bangsa Eropa terutama dari Negeri Belanda. Iklim tropis pegunungan yang sejuk dan kaya pemandangan indah serta lingkungan yang alami dikelilingi oleh perkebunan, pegunungan, sungai dan taman menjadikan Kota Malang dikenal sebagai Paris Van East Java dan Switzerland of Indonesia. Kota Malang juga merupakan pusat pertemuan beragam etnik, agama, kepercayaan dan budaya khas Jawa Timur yaitu Jawa Tengahan, Jawa Kulonan, Jawa Wetanan (Blambangan), Pesisi Lor dan Kidul, Madura, Osing (Jawa - Bali) dan Mandalungun (Madura - Jawa) sehingga memiliki keunikan serta daya tarik tersendiri.

Kota Malang pada saat ini merupakan tempat persinggahan / transit dan tujuan perbelanjaan serta souvenir / kerajinan rakyat bagi turis domestik dan mancanegara. Kebanyakan lokasi wisata di Jawa Timur berada di wilayah eks Karesidenan Malang (sekarang wilayah Pembantu Gubernur di Malang). Terutama di wilayah Kabupaten Malang dan Kotatif Batu, namun fasilitas pariwisata terlengkap ada di Pusat Kota Malang. Maka Kota Malang telah mantap menjadikan wilayahnya sebagai tempat bermukim sementara bagi para turis mancanegara dan domestik. Sebagai Kota Kenangan bagi turis Eropa terutama Belanda Kota Malang masih tetap sebagai primadona karena banyak peninggalan gedung / bangunan, taman khas warisan kolonial serta tempat bersejarah lainnya tetap dilestarikan oleh Pemda.
Untuk memudahkan pengunjung wisata di Kota Malang telah tersedia berbagai fasilitas penunjang bertaraf nasional dan internasional seperti hotel, tempat hiburan, rumah makan, valuta asing, tourist guide, travel biro, sarana transportasi, pos dan telekomunikasi, instansi pariwisata, pelayanan umum dan keamanan.

Minggu, 12 Desember 2010

pantai banka belitung

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjSFEZQHsVHdCpjQAIK4wCpLkyCHtFue8u_H0e9LZC7d4OCbgIBVsTwdXRaNrHE4tquXGvX_pbrasLbvbGRPRS-Vx6cxzxk2SLgIVQGNH6AtFDB9kwRlYAfssbrCeqfULbH6mb2dZkkNy_p/s320/Pulau+Belitung,+Bangka+Belitung.jpg                                                          Sanur village faces 3 kilometers of coastline, a place where the island's spirit can always be relished and enjoyed. The area is heaven for shopping, eating, sightseeing, almost for everything! People say Sanur beach is the best spot for watching sunrise and you can go to Matahari Beach to watch the best sunrise. Regarding the accommodation, Sanur hosts many beachfront properties from jasmine hotels, cottages, private villas, or five star hotels. Here, the holiday goers would love to enjoy eating out in fine beachfront restaurants and cafes. Sanur is also the perfect place for inspired shopping, fine art galleries, and cultural attractions.

Sanur Beach is frequently chosen for beginner surfers and perfect for playing canoe, jukung, sailing, and the other water sports. Sanur was very prominent area in the Bali's history and the beach was the first place when Netherlands landed on the island of Bali in 1906. The first war between Netherlands against the Balinese people occurred in Sanur. The more holidaymakers choose Sanur as their destinations due to its trouble-free access and short closeness to some of interesting sightseeing objects. And also the transportation is effortless, taxi and public buses are everywhere. Renting a car also sounds sensible and affordable when you stay in Sanur.

For those who are weary for staying at hotel rooms are recommended to choose a private luxury villa in Sanur. Sanur has numerous private villas, from the affordable to the sleek and expensive ones. Although many villas in Sanur are modernly designed, still it's easy to find the villa buildings that look so idyllic in Balinese-style. These villas are featured by Alang-Alang thatched roof supported by ornately carved pillars. The traditional elements blend with a wide range of philosophies creating beautiful and tranquil retreats for tropical holiday enthusiasts from around the world. Barbeque or private gathering party can also be arranged.

If you prefer Sanur as your haven for your tropical holiday and you stay in one of the finest luxury villas, then dining options are so endless. It's easy to find places to eat along the main roads. Sanur will please your appetite by providing a profusion of cheap eateries to the exclusive beachfront restaurants and cafes. Danau Poso, Danau Tamblingan, or Pantai Sindhu streets are places to taste different dishes, from Seafood, Balinese, Indonesia, Chinese, Japanese, Italian, French, to fast food. Moreover, the Sanur night market is also worth checking out to savor local foods at more affordable prices.

Shopping in Sanur is not always expensive, especially if compared to Nusa Dua shopping centers or Ubud's fine art galleries. If you are about to buy souvenirs you may visit Sanur Beach Market. Situated on Jalan Segara Ayu, and within short walks from the private villas, this market pampers you with an extensive array of cheap Bali souvenirs that you won't find elsewhere. Be it Jaya Kusuma Art Market, Pasar Sindhu Art Market, and Double U, those are heavens for Bali souvenir seekers. It's exciting to buy affordable t-shirts, sarongs, wood carving, and more, at half the price you would pay in more exclusive boutiques or shopping malls. All in all, Sanur will spoil you with the fine choices.

kawah frepot

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh5EYgShxNUig6tMdlYo6-prsgRH5Ud2WkHhps4SiVq1fzRzIrtwljCtoHq5vd6dN8efL1MV5JZtZlGSom5uCrgWC4_gRmZPEnmH7yiZw6BtmLhBrHcL7SyYfN6X-bFzNBfSDt7Qj9VipJk/s1600/kawah-freeport.gif                                                          What is it about Ubud that one should visit this beautiful village? Because Ubud has much to offer; from its stunning panorama of Ayung River valley and the terraces rice filed, its most talented artist, its typical traditional market and myriad of shops that line the road is a heaven for shopping, its undying culture, its serene environs and plentiful of nice small hotels and restaurants and many more.

Ubud has no great beaches to speak of, no mountain lakes, and no grand hotels. Yet it has the richness of soil and it is the center of Bali's art and culture. If you don't stay in Ubud, or you don't have much time during your Bali Holiday, a visit is worth because it would offer you a memorable stay in Bali.

Driving out of bustling Denpasar, the tranquil green of rice paddies contrast sharply with the boisterous sounds of the city. Palm-leaf carvings of Dewi Sri (the Rice Goddess) guards over the crops, and small thatch huts dot the rice fields, giving shade to those who work them. Temples and small shrines can be seen along the way, women lay out offerings of flowers, rice, incense and holy water to placate evils spirits and please the good one. Even with the great influx of tourism, village life basically goes on the same. Almost every village on the way up to Ubud specializes in some kind of art form. You can stop off and see the artisans at work in their studios.

Many places near Ubud make beautiful side trips. Morning walk through the villages lead to out-of-the-way retreats. The route to Tegalalang offer beautiful views of terraces rice field and myriad of art studios, Mas, Penestanan and Peliatan, the centers of wood carving and painting, Sayan offer a stunning panorama of Ayung River valley and still home to spectacular view of gorges and palms and rice fields. Campuhan , the place where three rivers meet - a sacred site. There is a very beautiful temple called Pura Gunung Lebah is worth a visit.

To the north is Petulu village is known for many things but the most spectacular is the kokokan or white herons. Every morning at dawn and the afternoon around three or four o'clock, you can see them circling the trees in droves.

To the south a short walk you will arrive at Monkey Forest. To visit it, one must by a ticket. There are hundreds of tame monkeys and a temple stands in the middle of the forest. In the center of town the interesting places to see are the Puri (the court of palace of former kings), here every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock dozen of young girls study traditional Balinese dance. Ubud main market just opposite the Puri offer varieties of merchandises; Produce, dry goods, linens, T-shirts, paintings, wood carvings, even traveling medicine men appear here. Closed to market you can visit Puri Lukisan (Museum of Paintings). Established in 1954, it is dedicated to showing the works of local painters. It is the excellent place to get an overview of the stylistic differences between artists.

Ubud is a picturesque township and visitors have been attracted by its charm and beauty for decades. If shopping is your interest, Ubud has a myriad of shops which line the road to Monkey Forest and the Museum Puri Lukisan. Don't forget to bargain!!! If art is your interest, in Ubud, Mas and Peliatan, one can study dance, music, painting or a number of other art forms. The best way to meet a teacher is to find a style that appeal to you (by going to galleries and watching performances) and than approach the artist directly about lessons.

While you are in Ubud and need more complete information, you can visit Bina Wisata a local Tourism Bureau. It prepare map of Bali and Ubud. There is a massage board, small book store and a printing press on the premises. It's about 500 m past the market.

Waka Namya Resort is a nice place to stay. It offers free luxury shuttle service to the center of town and to the Rudana Museum and Arts Gallery; it is one of the best galleries in Ubud. It also offers a free tracking to the rice field. Excellent service and very friendly staffs. I know the manager very well, so I sand many guests to this resort. Waka di Ume, Komaneka, Santi Mandala Resort and Maya Ubud are also very nice place to stay. For more affordable accommodation you can choose Ubud Sari; small, charming and rustic ambience. It has a complete Spa and Beauty Salon service, Yoga, Chiropractic, Healing Week in Bali Program. Raw Health Food Program and Colonic Hydrotherapy.

So Ubud has many attractive objects can be seen for your Bali Vacation. And do not hesitate to choose beautiful Bali for your holiday. Bali is a small, beautiful island in Indonesia, the ultimate tourist destination in Asia.

The quickest and easiest way to find Bali hotels at your destination is to go online and visit a hotel reservation website. Do a search for Bali you are traveling to and you will be presented with a list of available hotels in Bali, Choose your preferred Bali Hotel
http://alamendah.files.wordpress.com/2009/07/kawah-gunung-tambora.jpg                                                              Ijen Crater or Kawah Ijen is another volcanic tourism attraction in Indonesia. Ijen Crater (Kawah Ijen) is a famous tourism object, which has been known by the domestic and foreign tourists because of the beautiful and charming nature. It is 5,466 hectares, 2,386 meters high from the depth of the sea, with a 92 hectares tourism forest. Its temperature is between 2 to 8 degree centigrade and the crater area lies at 2.386 meters above sea level (mdpl).

There are many beautiful species of plants that can be found there, such as; the edelweiss flower and the Casuarina Junghu (cemara gunung), etc. Various animals can also be seen in the area like jungle fowl (ayam hutan) and porcupine (landak).

The Ijen Crater lies about 68km from the town center. There are some of facilities here such as: a campground, a shelter and Tourist Information Center (TIC) etc.

The best time to enjoy the crater scenery is at morning, when the yellow sunlight glows the yellow water and shines the surrounding mountain like mount Merapi, the sister of Mount Ijen. Morning haze is creating a tranquility that we don't get at the metropolitan towns. At 2 pm, the crater is closed for the reason that the thick smoke from the crater that is poisonous.

Visiting from Bondowoso route, the tourists will travel across a coffee plantation. It has beautiful view either. The green of Arabica coffee trees are really an exciting scene to enjoy.

To reach Ijen Crater from Surabaya, we can use the public transportation with the route as follow:

- Surabaya - Bondowoso : 180 km with public bus
- Bondowoso - Paltuding : 68 km with public transport
- Paltuding - to the location : 2 km on foot